We believe there is a natural tendency in man to want to appreciate, enjoy and delight in the beautiful things of life, knowing that the greatest source of joy and satisfaction is spending time improving ourselves or others.
Time is central to what we do and we want to tell you about the numerous ways you can spend it, enjoy it, and possibly even slow it down, when experiencing the myriad art forms of Southern Italy: music, dance, cinema, painting, sculpture and archaeology.
We offer you a trip dedicated to the beauty of life, to whoever has the courage to not deny this beauty to someone close to him, or to whoever is seeking to escape the frenetic pace of the modern world to experience those pleasures that life only affords in exchange for time and devotion.
The tours we offer are dedicated to those who take pleasure in visiting an art gallery or an archaeological museum; enjoy attending a concert in a breathtaking natural setting or evocative historic location; or participating in a traditional dance like the taranta. Or again, we are aiming at those who want to learn how to sculpt the local stone under the tutelage of master-craftsmen. Not to mention those of you who wish to visit places where great films in the history of cinema were set, or places which inspired literary masterpieces.
For we are convinced that art is both a way to get to know the real identity of a country and to improve ourselves and nourish our spirits.

And more! In Southern Italy, we dine late, go out late and stay up till dawn for the greater part of the year.
The Italian summer “scene” is one of the most fascinating and varied in all Europe.
There is something to please all tastes: concerts in the squares and stadiums, exciting events at sophisticated, exclusive night-spots and wild nights at popular, trendy discotheques. Music and dancing is everywhere: from the taranta to the tango, from jazz to electronic music, from hip-hop to techno. The venues are always amazing: unique and full of character. They are really something to be seen. You just have to take your pick!
If you want to remember your nights in Italy as well, we can direct you to some really special places.
Wake up, it is night-time!

Scopri di più

La “movida” delle estati italiane è la più affascinante e ricca di eventi di tutta Europa.
Ce ne è per tutti i gusti: concerti nelle piazze e nei maggiori stadi a disposizione, gli eventi più eccitanti nei locali più raffinati e esclusivi e le notti più scatenate nelle discoteche più trendy e frequentate.
La musica e il ballo immancabili: dalla taranta al tango, dal jazz alla musica elettronica, dall’hip hop alla techno. Le locations sempre favolose, suggestive e uniche: da vedere.
Non c’è che l’imbarazzo della scelta!
Vi indirizzeremo verso luoghi veramente speciali, se del Sud Italia vorrete ricordare anche le notti.