Every trip is a unique and unrepeatable experience, and for this reason we are very concerned that those who use our services should enjoy complete satisfaction.
This does not simply involve a professional duty but also a passion for pleasing clients.
For anyone who requests it, therefore, we will be extremely happy to provide “made-to-measure” trips and itineraries, carefully tailoring them according to the desires and expectations expressed by our clients.

To this end, we generally like to study these programmes and review them from time to time, bearing in mind those specific requirements that each individual trip involves. We offer help to our customers in a timely and efficient manner, while bearing in mind that “helping” does not simply involve being present in times of need: our clients can depend totally on our availability and prompt assistance at every moment of the day, and feel relaxed and protected in an environment which can be socially and culturally very different from their own.
All the programmes that we propose, therefore, are completely open to modification at the client’s request, in terms of both content and duration, and are flexible to the greatest extent possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our made-to-measure trips: our boutique is always ready to help you.

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L’assistenza ai clienti, puntuale e accurata, verrà sempre svolta tenendo bene in mente che “assistere” non significa solo essere presenti in caso di necessità: il cliente avrà la certezza di contare completamente e in ogni momento sulla nostra presenza e tempestivo aiuto, di sentirsi tranquillo e protetto in realtà socialmente e culturalmente diverse dalla propria.
Tutte le proposte da noi indicate saranno quindi, su richiesta, totalmente modificabili, nell’essenza e nella durata, e nel massimo della flessibilità.
Non esitate a contattarci per lo studio di viaggi totalmente su misura: la nostra boutique è a vostra completa disposizione.